The four of cups is a card of meditation, contemplation and healing.
This card emphasizes the importance of taking things slow in life. Life is not perfect. It has never been, nor it will ever be.
But, that’s not all there is to the four of cups tarot card meaning.

An Overview Of The 4 Of Cups Tarot Card
In the traditional Rider Waite Tarot deck, the 4 of cups card depicts a man sitting forlornly under a tree.
His arms are crossed and he is seemingly ignoring the cup being held forward for him from another realm.
This man is surrounded by the beauty of nature, but this seems insignificant to him.
When this card arises in a reading, it can indicate emotional distress.
You may be upset, angry, or discouraged if this card comes up in a reading. You may have already lost hope or given up.
Here is what you (or the person the card represents) need to know:
While the first three cups have failed you, spirit does have a surprise for you. You are much closer to a breakthrough than you think.
This card can also talk about a problem with your attitude. If the first three cups couldn’t make you happy, who knows if the fourth one will?
Let’s dive deeper into the four of cups meaning.
So, What Does The Four Of Cups Tarot Card Mean?
The 4 of cups tarot card meaning usually focuses on a person who is not happy with their life. They may be feeling heartbroken, disappointed, or dejected.
This person doesn’t believe in themselves. Their scarcity mindset is what is stopping them from seeing love and beauty in life.
If this person is you, please know that spirit and the Universe are trying to help you. But, you need to open your heart to receive it.
If you are worried about a project, this card does indicate delays.
These delays are likely a result of your own tardiness. Spirit wants you to stop getting in your own way and allow heaven to surprise you.
The four of cups tarot card meaning is also about divine timing.
Since the number 4 represents a solid foundation (or lack thereof), this card may also be urging you to build a solid foundation before expecting to reap the rewards of your hard work.
The Four Of Cups Love Reading
The four of cups love meaning is about disinterest, detachment, and disharmony.
If you are single, this card may indicate a lack of interest in a romantic relationship. You may be struggling to balance your work and personal life.
While it’s okay to not want a romantic relationship, please make sure that you are not just blocking love due to the fear of disappointment.
Your past failures may be holding you back from entering a new relationship. Please know that you deserve a second (and even tenth) shot at finding your life partner.
Even if you are in a relationship, this card indicates a need to focus on yourself. You and your partner need to fill your own cups before you try to fill each others’.
Pursue what you are passionate about and create a solid foundation for yourself before losing yourself in a fairy-tale romance.
Emotional Wellbeing
In some cases, the four of cups tarot card meaning can also be about depression.
Constant moodiness, lack of energy, and disinterest in day-to-day activities are well-known signs of depression.
If this is affecting your relationship, it’s really important to talk to your partner.
If you pull this card in a reading and you are feeling low, it’s important to speak to your loved ones and a medical professional for support.
Learn more about the two of pentacles here.
The Four Of Cups In A Career Reading
When the four of cups shows up in a career reading, it usually talks about boredom and dissatisfaction.
Maybe you need to upskill yourself to meet the current demands of the industry.
Or, find a career that sparks your creativity and challenges you to become a better version of yourself.
If you are currently dealing with financial issues, this is here to remind you that you don’t need to be a millionaire to be abundant.
You may have to make some cuts. Please trust that it is happening for a reason.
As long as you have access to the resources you need to get to the next level, you will be alright.
Take a look at some of the most positive tarot cards you can draw.
The Four Of Cups Reversed Tarot Card Meaning
When this card shows up in the reversed position, it usually means that you or the person you are asking about is coming out of a period of sadness.
It may take a while before you adjust to the “normal” world completely. Please don’t be hard on yourself. Give yourself some time to heal.
This card can also indicate an attempt to suppress your emotions.
If you have recently lost someone you loved (or have experienced the loss of a relationship), allow yourself to grieve.
Spiritually, the four of cups reversed talks about a self-obsessed individual. This person can’t be bothered about anything other than themselves on the planet.
All they really care about is what they want and need.
Try to distance yourself from this person as much as possible.
The four of cups reversed can also indicate jealousy in relationships.
Again, try to focus on your personal growth, and ask others to do the same.
Everyone deserves success. Please don’t forget to be kind to people regardless of how successful you think they are.
Everyone on the planet is fighting their own demons and deserves respect, love and empathy.
In a love reading, the four of cups reversed can talk about coming out of a period of darkness and depression.
Self-care and compassion are the most important messages this card conveys.
It doesn’t matter if you are single or involved in a romantic relationship, if you don’t love yourself, you cannot love someone else.
If you are not kind to yourself, you can never expect others to be kind to you.
It’s time to choose between being right and being kind.
Final Thoughts
Whether this card shows up in an upright or a reversed position, it usually indicates depression, sadness, jealousy, self-obsession, denial, or a poverty mindset.
The four of cups is not one of the happy cards of the tarot. But, it does encourage self-reflection, meditation, and healing.
Trust that your guides and the Universe are with you, even when you don’t (or can’t) see the support.
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